Friday, July 20, 2012

Teachery Things!

This week I am finally back into school mode. Summer School starts July 23rd!! We are doing a math workshop format in our classrooms! So I have been on the hunt for math games for my Kinders & Firsties! Here are some of the things that I found!

Game: Coverall (Dice Game) This can be done with addition or multiplication!

Math Spiders is also another great game for addition or subtraction! 

Math spiders

Classroom Freebies: Addition and Subtraction Dice Games

Beat you to 20 (I Changed it to 30)

Kindergarten Math Games

I found these at Target the other day and will be making them this weekend! 

Guided Math-Math Toss


  1. Where can one get copies of the unifex cube game?

  2. I believe those unifex cube games come in a set with a math program. Everyday Math I think.


Thanks for your 'pinteresting' comments :)